Lo sport in generale non fa per me, e tantomeno quelli che prevedono una buona dose di costanza e grazia!
When I was a girl I've never had the desire to be a ballerina... I think I've always been very realistic, so I knew that was not my field of application!
Sports in general are not for me, least of all those that provide a good dose of patience and grace!
Sports in general are not for me, least of all those that provide a good dose of patience and grace!
Cmq... quando ho visto questi oggetti mi sono subito piaciuti, e ho pensato che nel mio bagno rosa sarebbero stati perfetti!
But... I immediately liked these objects as I saw them, and I thought they would be perfect in my pink bathroom!
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Different use for ballet shoes! |
Se non puoi avere tutù e scarpette da ballerina... allora trova il modo di usarle in altri modi!
If you cannot have ballet drees and shoes... then find a way to use them differently!
Both ballet shoes from antique market in Italy
Soap Fragonard (gift)
PS: per ora i lunedì di Cate sono finiti... ma spero che presto ci sia tanto altro materiale da farvi vedere! E intanto... CATE TI ASPETTO QUI... MANCA POCHISSIMO!!!!
PS: For the moment Monday Cate's Monday are suspended... but I hope that they will be back soon with new interesting things to show you! And in the meantime... CATE, I'M WAITING FOR YOU HERE... NOT LONG NOW!!
a parte le saponette che sono fantastiche... ma le ballerini con i fili cosa sono??? =)))
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